We love the drama and we adore NeNe, but, honestly we're growing tired of all this pettiness.
We thought that after NeNe ripped Kim to shreds a few weeks back, there was no further need to entertain her.
We thought wrong.
On yesterday morning's On-Air with Ryan Seacrest, NeNe and Kim were at it again. They're still arguing about who hit whom first and who will or will not press charges.
During the angry exchange, NeNe uttered our favorite line to date: "I am the police when you put your hands on me!" We hear that, diva! That line, which will now be a part of our every day vocabulary (along with Sheree's "who gon check me, boo?), was her response to why she didn't call 911 after Kim hit her and she, in turn, acting out of self defense, tried to choke Kim to death.
Take a listen.
PS: Wasn't it last week NeNe told us she won't (OK, will try not to) argue anymore?
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