Thursday, August 6, 2009

Wendy Will Be Inducted into the Radio Hall of Fame

After months of voting, the results are in and it's good news for Wendy; She will be inducted in to the National Radio Hall of Fame.

Bruce DuMont, the organization's national chairman, called into her TV show this morning to personally give her news.

"I think it's important for everyone watching today to realize, that tens of thousands of your fans from all over the United States have rallied to support your induction and recognize your remarkable radio career including over 22 years, mostly in the Big Apple, and again your hard work, your dedication your radio talent has put you where you are today and you have been recognized and so many millions of people are cheering at the news today."

Wendy's response was real and brought her to tears.

"Thank you everyone who voted," she said. "I got here through being popular on the radio, everybody who's not familiar with me. I'm just Wendy from the radio. A girl who had a dream. And I was on tour promoting this show when I found out I was nominated for the Radio Hall of Fame. Something I barely knew existed and thought you were nominated and/or inducted when you were dead or irrelevant. The idea of making it in - I've left radio, for now. I feel like destiny fulfilled. Thank you everyone who voted for me, than you. Radio fans from so many years and I love you more for continuing to follow and watch the show. Thank you so much."

The ceremony will take place this November in Chicago.

Congrats to her.

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