Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Amy Winehouse is 'Jewmaican' and a Rapper, Too

Former singer Amy Winehouse has been driving her neighbors crazy with her late-night recording sessions at her in-home studio and she's about to burst a few eardrums with her new musical direction.

Earlier in the year her plans for a reggae album was shot down, but during a recent recording session, Amy decided that she's a rapper and she laid down laid down 16 bars.

"Listen. I can write ten raps a night, it don't matter but you know that it's tight / I will never wear my hair out unless I am with the best / Oh snap I never knew that. Well I know that I'm a Jew. Well, a Jewmaican / Anyway if you can, uh, smoke bacon, then, uh, I reckon that ah ah."

Singer Zalon should have told her no, no, no.


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