Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Hey, Andre! Gack is Wack!

Legendary tennis star Andre Agassi abused illegal drugs then lied about it. Often times, they go hand in hand.

In in his upcoming memoir, a copy of which was obtained by the London Times newspaper, the 1992 Wimbledon champion, and winner of eight grand-slam titles, writes that he tested positive for the highly addictive drug, crystal methamphetamine, which he called "gack", and then duped the Association of Tennis Professionals into believing he had taken it by accident.

Have you ever heard of meth being called gack? We haven't so we Googled it. According to the result, gack "is the gag reflex triggered by the extreme burning sensation of the nasal passages when the drug is snorted, and the very bitter taste as it drains down the back of the throat."

Now back to Andre's confession.

In this excerpt, he remembers sitting at home with his assistant, referred to only as Slim, and being introduced to the drug.

“Slim is stressed too ... He says, You want to get high with me? On what? Gack. What the hell’s gack? Crystal meth. Why do they call it gack? Because that’s the sound you make when you’re high ... Make you feel like Superman, dude. As if they’re coming out of someone else’s mouth, I hear these words: You know what? Fuck it. Yeah. Let’s get high. Slim dumps a small pile of powder on the coffee table. He cuts it, snorts it. He cuts it again. I snort some. I ease back on the couch and consider the Rubicon I’ve just crossed. There is a moment of regret, followed by vast sadness. Then comes a tidal wave of euphoria that sweeps away every negative thought in my head. I’ve never felt so alive, so hopeful — and I’ve never felt such energy. I’m seized by a desperate desire to clean. I go tearing around my house, cleaning it from top to bottom. I dust the furniture. I scour the tub. I make the beds.”

But the famed tennis star was also coherent enough to try to save his ass. After failing a drug test, Andre wrote a letter -- filled with lies interwoven with bits of truth -- to the ATP.

“I say Slim, whom I’ve since fired, is a known drug user, and that he often spikes his sodas with meth — which is true. Then I come to the central lie of the letter. I say that recently I drank accidentally from one of Slim’s spiked sodas, unwittingly ingesting his drugs. I ask for understanding and leniency and hastily sign it: Sincerely."

The ATF bought it.

While writing this post, we couldn't stop thinking about this classic clip from Project Runway.

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