Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Make Way For The Big Girls

There's a new trend in entertainment taking shape around the country -- nightclubs specifically for fat people.

Not just any fat people, either, but fat people who are proud to call themselves fat people, according to the Associated Press.

The clubs, several of them have popped up in the California area, make it an inviting place for the overweight, who may have difficulty getting into other nightclubs.

"When you're not what they consider ideal, you know, and you're out there trying to get your dance on at those other places, you get the looks, the stares. But not here. Everything's accepted here," says Vanessa Gray, a regular at Club Bounce in Long Beach, Calif.

Bounce, with a capacity of 400, attracts relatively equal numbers of men and women, although three-quarters of the women tend to be heavy (tipping the scales at 300 pounds who come dressed to the nines in tight mini-skirts and stilettos), while only about a quarter of the men are.

The club's owner insists she isn't encouraging people to stay fat - not that anything is wrong with that. Plus, she says, the non-fat are welcome, too.

In totally unrelated fat people news: A 62-year-old Florida man accused of murder says he was too fat to commit the crime. Let's explain: Edward Ates allegedly drove to the home of his son-in-law then shot him six times, killing him. Edward now says, at 5 feet 8 and weighing 285 pounds, he was in such bad physical shape that couldn't have pulled off the shooting or the fast getaway the killer made.



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