Tuesday, November 3, 2009

11-Year-old Girl Gives Birth -- On Her Wedding Day!

Just last week we told you about a child predator who made history. OK, we're not sure if he's a predator, but he's 112 years old and his bride was just 17.

Now, we learn of an 11-year-old girl who has entered the history books by becoming one of the world's youngest mothers - and went into labour on the way to her wedding.

Kordeza Zhelyazkova, from Slive, Bulgaria, was still wearing her wedding dress and tiara as she was rushed to hospital, where she gave birth to 5lb 8oz Violeta, according to News of the World.

"It feels strange to be a mum and have a baby," Kordeza, who became pregnant two weeks after her 11th birthday said. "I used to play with my toys but now she is my new toy. Violeta is the child and I must grow up. I am not going back to school - I am a mother now."

But a baby didn't stop her from getting married to her 19-year-old fiancè, Jeliazko Dimitrov. After delivering the baby, she returned to the ceremony in time to be married before getting back to the hospital to feed her baby.

The baby's father now faces six years in prison for having sex with a girl under the the age of 14; He said he thought she was 15.

"She didn't tell me she was 11," he told the newspaper.



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