Monday, November 23, 2009

What?! Rihanna's 'Rated R' Album is On Sale for $3.99!

Listen, we liked Miss Fenty's new album, which went on sale today. In our review, we pointed out that the album is raunchier and edgier than previous albums, but the songs are strong, contemplative and the album is good, albeit not for young children. But why did we look on Amazon and found that Rated R is on sale for $3.99? We know it's a recession and all, but really?! Is this a ploy to ensure that her album debuts strong or is the record company doubtful of its success?


Anonymous said...

she probably has a deal with amazon. they did the same thing for the weezer. they do that with alot of artists not just her

Anonymous said...

No.... Rihanna's cd flopped, all the blogs, tv, radio were promoting it, she performed songs from the cd on AMA, GMA,David Letterman, Live London show, did a cd signing at Best Buy, BET showed the adverstiment for Rated R. But most important let us not forget she threw Chris Brown under the bus for sales... no IT FLOPPED BIG TIME. Susan Boyle out sold her and not at $3.99,oh my bad it went down to $.99 cents black friday and still didn't sell. Can we say FLOPPED!!!!

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