Thursday, November 5, 2009

Teddy Riley: Michael Jackson Told Me He Would Be Murdered

Apparently when Michael Jackson was alive, he told people his life was in danger and there were others out to kill him.

LaToya said he told her and those people are now out to murder her. Now, former singer/record producer Teddy Riley says Michael told him he would be murdered and even told him the names of the people whom he believed were out to get him.

"He mentioned it to me a few times... like people were out to kill him... and he would say names, saying these are the people who are trying to kill me," Teddy tells the Enquirer.

So, of course he reported this to the police. Um, no.

Instead, when Michael died last June, Teddy, who was a producer on Michael's "Dangerous" album, said he immediately called the family to let them know what Michael had been telling him.

"I said, 'Listen, he was murdered," Teddy adds. "...Somebody didn't like something Jackson said or something he's doing or didn't want him to go to the top, so they had to get rid o him. We've got so many people we think it could be. It's going to come out. You're going to find out."

Maybe he should tell the cops, because of now - at least publicly - only one person is being investigated.

Source: National Enquirer, Nov. 16, print edition.


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