Friday, January 8, 2010

Actress Who Unwittingly 'Stole' Award From Precious, Gives It Back

Remember a few weeks ago we told you about some alleged curry-favoring and back-door dealings at the African American Film Critics organization which led Nicole Beharie, star of “American Violet,” to beat out Gabourey Sidibe, stars of "Precious," for the Best Actress Award, even though the ballots said Gabby won?

Well, Showbiz411's Roger Friedman, who first reported the story, got the scoop. Again.

Citing the questions circulating around her win, Nicole has decided to return the award.

“I’ve been informed that there was a disagreement over the AAFCA Best Actress Award. Because of the discrepancy, I am returning the award. Gabourey Sidibe is an extraordinary actress in a film that I absolutely loved. I wish her all the best," she told Roger in a statement.

It's important to note: Nicole had no knowledge of the alleged deals between the AAFCA and the film's producers; she was a victim of the politics, as was Gabby.



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