Friday, January 22, 2010

FY-You: She's a Hustler, Not a Prostitute

Atlanta, we love y'all to pieces (How Y'all Doin and Allrrigght), but if messiness like this continues to be exported to the Internets, we're gonna keep talking about it.


Anonymous said...

This is ridiculous. It would be funny if it wasn't so sad. Just like everyone else who walks this earth, that woman once had (and still has) a lot of potential. I don't know what circumstances brought her to where she is today but she could do so much better for herself. However, it is her personal choice to exploit herself and live an empty life. I just hate that she has five children who were born into this seemingly never-ending, perpetuating cycle of drugs, abuse, neglect, and fatherless homes. It's heartbreaking to think of what her children go through while she's out running the streets. God bless that woman and her children.

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