Friday, January 22, 2010

Look! A Man Who Went to The Same Clinic Helping Tiger Woods Get Over The Urge to Have Sex With Whores

KATU TV in Portland tracked down (or he tracked them down) who spent some time at Gentle Path, the sex addiction clinic where Tiger Woods is supposedly getting fixed. The man, who admits he was having sex with multiple prostitutes (so was Tiger), says the clinic helped him and this sex addition thing we've been hearing about is a real disease. (A forensic psychiatrist says, however, sex addiction is not a recognized mental disorder.) This reformed "addict" tells KATU about Gentle Path, “You’re basically in a compound. You cannot leave. You cannot have books. You cannot have iPods, music, or CDs. You do a blood test and a urine test.” What? No, books or music and they're gonna stick us with needles!? We're so requesting a refund. STAT!



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