Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Jayson Williams Hospitalized, Facing DWI Charges After Crashing Into Tree

Former basketball player Jayson Williams is facing DWI charges after smashing his black Mercedes SUV into a tree at around 3:15am this morning in NYC. THE NYPD said it appeared that Jayson may have been drinking. In a feeble attempt to muddy the case, cops found Jayson in the passenger seat of the mangled vehicle, but witnesses said he was driving. Plus, no one else was in the truck. Since 2002, when he was charged with murdering his limo driver -- then driving to dispose of evidence, Jayson has has had his fair share of legal problems. Like this, and this, and, oh, he even tried to fake a suicide and murder his wife. Tragic.


Syd said...

I should have picked him in my death pool for this year.

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