Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Man Bites Off Cop's Nipple

In Chicago last Sunday night, 31-year-old Fernando Cooper (pictured) got into an argument with an off-duty peace officer. The argument quickly escalated into a fist fight.

When the woman identified herself as a cop, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Fernando refused “verbal commands," and bit the officer's breast. Other cops in the area swooped down on the situation and sprayed Fernando with pepper spray. When the dust cleared, the cop suffered swelling and cuts to the eye along with a severe bite to the nipple. (Fernando suffered cuts and bruising to the face.)

Doctors at the hospital say the cop "lost a body part because of severe damage from the bite."

Fernando has been charged with attempting to disarm a peace officer and aggravated battery to a peace officer.

In the grand scheme of things, this cop should be thankful.



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