Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Man Claims He Doesn't Remember How He Spent $21,000 at Strip Club

A man says a visit to a New York strip club left him with a 90-minute gap in his memory and a $21,000 hole in his wallet now he's suing!

According to The New York Post, Gerard Wall of Delaware says he ended up with $21,620.60 in credit-card bills after a brief trip to Larry Flynt's Hustler Club on Dec. 12, 2008. He says when he went into the club, they gave him two drinks. After downing the drinks, "he was approached by a dancer, who invited him to have a private lap dance in a separate room," which he was told would cost him $300.

Then things got cloudy. After giving the club his credit card for the $300 lap dance, according to him, he doesn't remember anything that happened next and he certainly doesn't know how he was billed $21,000.

Best excuse ever! We're betting his wife found out about the charges on their credit card statements and confronted him about it and then she got all Elin Woods on him and that's when he lost his memory.



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