André Leon Tally admits he's never seen an episode of America's Next Top Model, but when cycle 14 premieres March 10, he'll take his perch as the reality show's new permanent judge -- for three cycles. As the editor-at-large at Vogue magazine, he's sure to make the show a bit more fashionable (he ordered 13 custom-made Chado Ralph Rucci cloaks) and educate viewers in the process.
Lesson No. 1: Dreckitude.
"Dreckitude was whipped out when I thought the challenge was not met or if [the contestants] showed up in perhaps an outfit that I just couldn’t wrap my mind around,” André tells WWD. Such as? “I was constantly repulsed by the complete popularity of what I call the Cult of the Ugly Shoe — that is, a very clodhopper, high platform-y, clunky-clunk sort of shoe, which they would favor. And I kept saying to them, ‘You can also be very elegant in a Sabrina flat.’”
His addition to the show has forced Tyra to step up her style game, too.
“This is the most clean you will ever see me in the history of ‘Top Model,'" she says. "I am wearing a chignon every single day. I went back to Yves Saint Laurent 1991, honey. I said, ‘This is André Leon Talley! No earrings, no nothing. Just me and the gahhment.’”
And does he think Cycle 14 winner has what it takes to appear in the pages of Vogue?
“I say yes — in my opinion, she has the potential. But that’s not my decision, that’s Ms. Wintour’s."
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