Tuesday, February 2, 2010

The Countdown Is On...

The clock is ticking. It's only a matter of time now before the announcement that this supposed "relationship" between Ray J and Mz Berry, who won the title last night as Ray's "girl", is over. If you believe "Danger" (and we do), Ray J's boyfriend Young Buck is fighting for his man and has already put the kabosh on Ray J hugging-kissing-canoodling with other women in public -- until season three of "For The Love of Ray J," that is.

While we all wait, VH1 spoke with Mz Berry about her win and where she and Ray J are now. (Read between the lines.)

VH1: How has communication with Ray been since the show wrapped?
Mz Berry: Really, Ray and I aren’t allowed to speak to each other. We aren’t allowed to meet or anything like that.

Do you have a good feeling about where things are going?
We just have to see. You can’t really base on everything that happened with us three, four months ago. I wouldn’t say feelings change, but you just have to see. In any type of relationship, you just take it one step at a time. We’ll definitely both talk about what we want, and we’ll see where it goes from there.

It seems like you really invested yourself emotionally in this show.
I wouldn’t even say I invested myself in the show. I’d say I invested myself in Ray. I wasn’t there for a show, I was there to meet this man.

It really crept up on you, right?
It did. I think even still now, it’s all very surreal to me that 1) I know him and 2) that we have the type of connection that we have. It’s very strange. I wasn’t expecting that. I was very naive going into the whole situation. I didn’t think I’d even be called to do anything like that. I just filled out the application on a whim, and had no idea. Then when they called me, I thought it would be no big deal. At one point, I didn’t want to do it, I figured I’d just find love on my own. But my mom told me, “No! Give it a shot! You never know where you going to find love.” I figured whatever, what do I have to lose? Then I got there and I met him and he’s just a really sweet, genuine person. He’s got a really big heart. I like him as a person.

You told him you were in love with him.
I really felt like I was falling for him. I fell for him pretty hard. I believe that Ray and I would have left and been together [if we stayed in contact]. I believe it would have been a very strong relationship. I’m interested to see what happens when we do get back together. But you know, life happens. I told Ray that no matter how you put it out there, even though this was a show, love is a very powerful energy. It’s very strong. If you put that word and energy out in the universe that that’s what you want, when it comes to you, you have to be willing to accept it. I’m sure he wasn’t expecting this to come from a TV show, but neither was I. It’s very hard for him to reconcile his feelings for me because this came at him in such an unconventional way.



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