Monday, March 8, 2010

And the Negrodian Award Goes To...

Last Thursday the San Diego Chargers traded 25-year-old (keep this in mind) Antonio Cromartie to the New York Jets. Last weekend it was revealed that the Jets advanced Antonio $500,000 of his $1.7 million 2010 salary (keep this in mind, too) to help him catch up on his child support payments.

During a conference call with reporters on Friday, Antonio said this: "I have seven kids that live in five different states. I made some wrong decisions in my first two years in the league. Now I have to take on the responsibility of being a father to my kids. I can separate my personal life and off-the-field issues from football ... The mothers [and I] try to work out a schedule where I can see my kids. I talk to them on iChat and Skype. We try to find different ways for me to be in their lives, no matter how it is.''

What?!? Seriously. WTF?!?

Sidebar: His seven kids are with six different women! It's also interesting to note: His five-year contract with the Chargers was for $5 million. Don't look at us, we don't know what the eff he was doing with his money, either.

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Joann said...

I'm glad he is taking responsibility for his chldren, but this kid is 25 years and already has 7 children by six different women. SMH.

The very next thing he should do is get a vasectomy and ask God for a miracle to keep him healthy and free of injury so he can play until he's 50.

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