Monday, March 22, 2010

Fantasia Has 9 Million More Reasons to Be Worried

A North Carolina court ruled last week that 49-year-old Anne Lundquist of Aurora, NY must pay the wife of the man she was jumping off with a cool $9 million.

Cynthia Shackelford (pictured) filed the suit against Anne in 2007 for alienation of affection, criminal conversation and intentionally or recklessly causing severe emotional distress, according to the News & Record.

Cynthia, 60, said Anne's affair with her husband, Allan, with whom she now lives in NY, ruined their marriage. Furthermore, since a judge ordered Allan to pay Cynthia $5,000 a month in alimony back in 2005, he hasn't paid her one penny.

The newspaper reports that 200 such cases are brought every year in North Carolina, which is one of the few states where the spouse of the person who cheats can sue the jumpoff.

Not long ago, we told you about Fantasia's jumpoff's wife is considering filing a similar suit.

Update: Anne plans to appeal. Plus, she doesn't have $9 million to pay Cynthia. But we hardly believe the case is about money. It's about revenge!



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