Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Man Gets 15 Years in Prison For Trying to Break into .... Jail

Yesterday a Florida judge found 25-year-old Sylvester Jiles guilty of violating his probation by trying to break into the Brevard County jail and sentenced him to 15 years in prison.

Last August, Sylvester seriously injured himself after he climbed a fence and fell through barbed wire while attempting to get back into the Brevard County Detention Center because he said threats were made against his life. A week prior, he was released for the facility after accepting a plea deal on a manslaughter charge. He told police he wanted to go back to jail because the family members of the person he killed wanted his head on a stake (read: dead). Jailers told Sylvester they couldn't take him in and to file a police report and that's when he sprinted to the jail perimeter fence, jumped between the barbed wire, ran to the next fence, climbed it and fell through three levels of razor wire.

Fifteen years sounds like an awaful lot, since no one gets that much time trying to break out of jail or for committing manslaughter. But at least he got his wish -- at least for 15 years or how ever long they choose to keep him there before he's released. Then the cycle repeats itself.

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