Wednesday, March 3, 2010

NY Congressman Retires Amidst Allegations He Sexually Assaulted Male Staffer

New York politics is getting hit hard. Last week the governor announched he won't seek election due to a scandal, this morning Rep. Charles Rangel announced stepping down as chairman from the House Ways and Means Committee because of a scandal. Now, congressman Eric Massa has announced he's retiting because of "health issues", but the folks over at Politico think it has to do with something else.
According to several House aides – on both sides of the aisle – the House Ethics Committee has been informed of allegations that Massa, who is married with two children, sexually harassed a male staffer.

Massa, whose departure endangers Democrats’ hold on a competitive seat, told POLITICO Wednesday afternoon that no one has brought allegations of misconduct to him.

Asked about the sexual harassment allegations, Massa said: "When someone makes a decision to leave Congress, everybody says everything. I have health issues. I'll talk about it [later].”
He has non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma.



Anonymous said...

This is sad when a person in office can do such a crime as this to another male. How sick. Not ok, We are suppose to trust our leaders in office but, when they do things like this it is very concerning. I pray God have mercy on your soul.

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