Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Parents Burn Down Kids' School

A group of angry parents burned down their children's school in the Philippines after the students weren't given as much food as they had been promised, according to Sky News.

"It was done by some disgruntled parents who reportedly got mad at some teachers over perceived discrimination in the school's nourishment program," the police chief said.

While no one was injured in the late night arson attack, the elementary school records were destroyed.

The parents accused the school of not handing out enough rice, which had been promised by the government to boost attendance. (Under the Filipino government "Food for School" proposals, every student in certain impoverished areas is supposed to be given about 2 pounds of rice every day.)

Police say they intend to file charges.

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Joann said...

WTH...but why burn down the school?

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