Thursday, March 4, 2010

Parents Traded Sex With Daughter For Car Payments

This is absolutely sickening. James Clarence Davis (pictured, left) and Sandra Davis (pictured, center), both 36, of Dodge County, Georgia were arrested Friday on child molestation charges after they forced their 14-year-old daughter to have sex with a used car salesman (pictured, right) in exchange for making payments on their car.

The Macon Telegraph reports:
A Dodge County mother and father have been accused of trading sex with their 14-year-old daughter in exchange for monthly payments on their minivan.
Dodge sheriff’s investigators say the girl’s parents made her do “sexual favors” for the manager of Shorty’s Used Cars in Eastman so they wouldn’t have to make the $281 payment on the 1998 Dodge Caravan they bought two years ago.
The allegations surfaced after a months-long investigation into the girl’s welfare that began last summer.
The manager of the car lot, 66-year-old Wayne Bearden of Eastman, was, among other charges, locked up on charges of alleged aggravated child molestation and one count of child molestation.
Bearden, who made an unsuccessful run for state senate in the 1970s, has a criminal past that includes three stints in state prison and a 19-month stretch in federal prison, records show.
In 1978, he was sentenced to two years for voluntary manslaughter in the handgun-shooting death of a friend and political ally during a fight. Bearden served less-than-one-year prison terms in the early 1990s on marijuana related charges.
In 1997, he was sent to federal prison for his role in a vote buying conspiracy in Dodge County in what was the largest election fraud prosecution in U.S. history.
The girl is now in foster care.

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