Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Where to Find the Largest Penises in America? New Orleans!

Condomania, a Web site that sells - duh! - condoms, has studied condom buying trends for men in all 50 US states and 20 cities to determine and have determined which one region has men the largest penises -- and the smallest. The winning state is New Hampshire. The winning city is New Orleans. The losers: Wyoming was the state with the smallest penises; Dallas/Ft. Worth was the city with the smallest penises.

So, how do they come to this determination anyway? They "have sold custom-fit condoms to over 27,000 men in 70 countries, and now have analyzed this incredible cache of data." See, very scientific.

While the study didn't list specific penis sizes for the states or cities in their database, they did say "25% of men is under 5" in length, 50% are between 5" and 6" in length and 25% are longer than 6" in length. They say the smallest penis is under 3" and the largest is more than 10" in length.

Here's how your state matched up:
50 States Ordered by Penis Size
1. New Hampshire
2. Oregon
3. New York
4. Indiana
5. Arizona
6. Hawaii
7. Louisiana
8. Massachusetts
9. Alabama
10. Washington
11. New Mexico
12. California
13. Arkansas
14. Nevada
15. Virginia
16. Tennessee
17. Illinois
18. Oklahoma
19. South Dakota
20. Georgia
21. Pennsylvania
22. Mississippi
23. Michigan
24. Florida
25. Rhode Island
26. Kansas
27. Maryland
28. Minnesota
29. Vermont
30. Connecticut
31. Wisconsin
32. New Jersey
33. North Dakota
34. Idaho
35. Texas
36. Missouri
37. Montana
38. Ohio
39. Nebraska
40. Colorado
41. Maine
42. North Carolina
43. Delaware
44. South Carolina
45. Kentucky
46. West Virginia
47. Alaska
48. Iowa
49. Utah
50. Wyoming

And cities:
20 Cities Ordered by Penis Size
1. New Orleans
2. Washington DC
3. San Diego
4. New York City
5. Phoenix
6. Portland
7. Atlanta
8. San Francisco
9. Chicago
10. St. Louis
11. Seattle
12. Miami
13. Indianapolis
14. Columbus
15. Boston
16. Denver
17. Los Angeles
18. Detroit
19. Philadelphia
20. Dallas/Ft. Worth

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Walter said...

I don't believe this to be true at all. I mean how man people actually buy bigger condoms because they don't want to be looked at as small? I mean really. Ever seen a grub worm in a plastic bag? Just doesn't belong does it?

Unknown said...

Did you read the article, Walter?

If there's any flaw with the list, it'd be that most of our 12+ brethren probably never heard of a "custom fit" condom company. Also, a correlation with STDs and unwanted pregnancies might affect the list's margin of error.

Oh well. New Hampshire, who knew?

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