Thursday, April 22, 2010

Man's Body Found Under Sofa a Decade After His Death

A British man's decomposing body went undiscovered under a sofa in his apartment for nearly a decade because his roommate didn't want to be evicted it was revealed during a a recent inquest.

After a day of heavy drinking one day in 1998, 63-year-old Dennis Pring died on the sofa. When Alan Derrick discovered the body that afternoon, he flipped the sofa over then head to the bar. For ten years he lived in the same apartment with the decomposing body. Neighbors complained about the stench, but on the two occasions officials came to investigate, they chalked it out to be coming from the broken toilet and the bathtub filled with human feces.

Ten years later Alan was finally evicted and the skelatized body of his friend was found by the apartment cleaning company.

Alan was arrested and charged with murder, but was later released and the pathologist concluded that Steven probably died from hypertension or from alcohol poisoining.



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