Thursday, April 22, 2010

Philly Cop Says She's Being Discriminated Against Because of Her Color...

...her hair color, that is. Officer Renee Norman has filed a complaint with the Pennsylvania Human Relations Commission after a captain on the Philadelphia Police Department told her to dye her hair. He says it purple; she says it red. What's the difference? Well, purple is considered an "unnatural" color, while red isn't. Renee, who has been wearing the same style for 7 years, said Capt. Dennis Wilson, who is new to the department, sent her home twice because she refused to comply with his request. She also claims he ordered her hair color documented with photographs, and was twice was taken to Headquarters and "mug-shotted." She told the Philadelphia Daily News the first time Capt. Wilson told her to go home and change her hair color, she "thought he was joking. I was like, 'Stop playing me.'" She says she colors her own hair and other female officers also have all sorts of colors, including orange. In her complaint, she suggests Capt. Wilson have a problem with black officers and cites four other complaints from those officers.



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