Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Sandra Bullock is Divorcing Jesse James, Adopting a Baby

After weeks of coping with the public embarrassment of her husband cheating on her, Sandra Bullock actress has confirmed that she is, in fact, divorcing Nazi-loving Jesse James and...she's adopted a 3 1/2-month-old boy, Louis Bardo Bullock, whom she will raise as as a single parent.

She filed for divorce April 23 in Travis County Court in Austin, Texas using the pseudonym B.A.S, which, are her initial backwards. Her divorce filing states "the marriage between petitioner and respondent has become insupportable because of discord or conflict of personalities that destroys the legitimate ends of the marriage relationship and prevents any reasonable expectations of reconciliation."

As for little, Louis. Sandra and Jesse started the adoption process four years ago and brought Louis home in January but decided to keep the news to themselves until after the Oscars. But, conspiracy theorists believe this is all a ruse, to get people's minds off those reports that she knew about and shared Jesse's Nazi views and how better to do that than to adopt a black baby.

We don't know.

She does tell People, however, she was surprised as everyone to see that infamous photo of Jesse giving a "Heil Hitler".

"The photo shocked me and made me sad. This is not the man I married," she said. "This was stupid, this was ignorant. Racism, anti-Semitic, sexism, homophobia, anything Nazi and and boatload of other things have no place in my life. And the man I married felt the same. This I hope Jesse will address one day, but that is not the world I live in or have ever lived in and have ay tolerance for."

Jesse also broke his silence, telling People, "The decision to let my wife end our marriage, and continue the adoption of Louis on her own, has been the hardest. The love I have for Louis cannot be put to words. Not having him around to love and to hold has left a huge hole in my heart. Sandy is the love of my life, but considering the pain and devastation I have caused her, it would be selfish to not let her go. Right now it is time for me to beat this addiction that has taken two of the things I love the most in life."

He never explain what he was addicted to.

Sandra said she had no idea he was cheating until he confessed that he has been jumping off with seven women, but reports claim that number is closer to a dozen.

After his revelation, she said bailed.

"I did the only thing I could do, and that was to pack enough clothes to live on, get all of Louis' things and get out of town. My main concern was Louis," Sandra said.

Now, what you gonna do now Elin? Everyone knows you and Tiger are no longer a couple, so when are we gonna file for divorce?



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