Wednesday, April 21, 2010

Study: Premature Ejaculation Problem is Genetic

Researchers from Finland and Sweden have found that men with the embarrassing problem of being unable to last in the bedroom are suffering from "a genetic abnormality that affects levels of a chemical in the brain." That chemical is called dopamine, which is a "gene that controls the release of dopamine, a 'neurotransmitter' that plays a crucial role in everything from movement and attention span to the brain's perception of pleasure and reward." Men with this abnormality last an average of 1.8 minutes during sex before -- well, you know -- compared to 7.8 minutes for men who are not affected. The findings were published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine.
Experts studied almost 1,300 men aged between 18 and 45 and quizzed each one on how long they were usually able to last during sex. They also took saliva samples to test for defects in a dopamine transporter gene, called DAT1. The results showed that men with a slightly different form of the gene were much more likely to suffer with premature ejaculation. In a report on their findings scientists said: 'Previous research suggests a partly hereditary background to premature ejaculation. 'But the results of this study indicate that drugs directly affecting dopamine levels may be candidates for treatment.'
So, guys, the next time you -- well, you know -- blame it on your parents. Hopefully your partner will understand.

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