Monday, June 14, 2010

'Cousin It' Says He's Sane and Fit to Be SC's Next Senator. But is He Really?

Alvin Greene -- the man we've dubbed "Cousin It" because we believe he may be related to "It" of "I Love New York" fame and who also ran for public office -- unleashed a new batch of crazy last weekend when he did a telephone interview with CNN's Don Lemon to discuss his surprise win in the South Carolina democratic primary AND arrest for showing his penis to a student. The entire interview was cuckoo crazy, but the craziest part came when Don told "Cousin It" two members of his party think he has some sort of mental impairment (a claim "Cousin It" denies). "Name them," he told Don. And when Don gave him the names of the two men, "Cousin It" says -- and we're not kidding -- "I say that back to them then. They're the knuckleheads." What?!? In preparation for the craziness yet to come, we just ordered a truckload of popcorn, because this senate race is too entertaining not to watch.

Sidebar: The man "Cousin It" beat handily in the primary says the voting machines were faulty and vote cast for him were given to "Cousin It." Now he's filed an official protest of the election results.
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