Thursday, June 24, 2010

More Details Emerge About Tiger Woods' Whopping $750 Million Divorce

The official announcement can come any day now. Tiger Woods and his soon-to-be-ex-wife Elin -- and their lawyers -- have been hunkering down, hammering out the specific details of their divorce and, if the rumors are true, Elin will walk away with $750 million in cash and prizes.

As part of the settlement agreement, Elin will be barred from ever speaking about the details of the divorce. Done. But, according to the Chicago Sun-Times' Bill Zwecker, Elin has some demands of Tiger, too.
• Elin is demanding Tiger never expose their children to any future female companions ''unless he is married to said person.'' In other words, no Tiger bimbos hanging around those little Woods kids!

• While Tiger and his legal team spent a lot of time crafting elaborate language preventing any future Elin tell-all or media interviews, that was not an issue for the Swedish native. ''She is so private. The last thing she would ever do is revisit this horrible period in her life,'' said a longtime Florida friend.

• What has been a big sticking point are custody issues regarding specific time the Woods children will spend outside the United States. Elin is pushing for much more than what Tiger wants.



Jacques Weiss said...

That was a huge amount of cash! Watching the divorce drama and reading about it was pretty shocking.

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