Thursday, June 24, 2010

Woman Accuses Former VP Al Gore of Sexual Assault

Yesterday, the National Enquirer pulled the lid off yet another political scandal. The tabloid reported that former vice president Al Gore was accused of sexually assaulting a masseuse during a three-hour/$540 massage at the posh downtown Hotel Lucia in Portland, Ore. hotel back in 2006. The 54-year-old alleged victm's attorney contacted police in late 2006, but she refused to be interviewed by detectives and did not want the investigation to proceed. She cancelled appointments with detectives on Dec. 21 and 26 of that year. Her attorney cancelled another meeting scheduled for Jan. 4, 2007 and said the matter would be handled civilly. But, in January 2009 she was apparently ready to talk. She gave a statement to police, saying the former VP tried to have sex with her on Oct. 24, 2006 at the hotel, where Al was registered as "Mr. Stone." Earlier this month, the woman contacted detectives and asked for a copy of her statement. She told authorities she planned to take her case to the media. Which she did. She marched right over to the Enquirer, which reportedly paid her $1 MILLION for the story. (Update: The Enquirer says the victim wanted $1 million for the story, but they didn't pay her a penny.)

In her statement, which you can read in its entirety below, the victim said Al was drinking when she showed up to his hotel room to perform the massage at around 10:30pm, but things quickly went south when he requested to have his adductor (a large triangular muscle situated on the medial side of the thigh) worked on; she knew that that would "cause an involuntary erection." When he became, ahem, excited, Al allegedly demanded that they have sex (he already had a condom out) and when she refused his advances, he became angry and threw himself on top of her, rendering her immobile as he allegedly started "moaning, groaning, moving in a very suggestive way.” She told him to get his fat ass off of her, but he allegedly grabbed her ass, breast, forced her to drink liquor, tongue kissed her and rubbed his, ahem, johnson against her crotch saying, "you know you want to do it." She told police she came forward hoping that she wants his "behavior stopped and people to know who he really is and what he's done." BTW: She saved a chocolate bar with his fingerprints on it as evidence and the pair of pants she was wearing that night, because there were supposedly semen stains on.

Read the full police report:

Former VP Al Gore's spokesperson had no comment. This not-so-new allegation surfaces on the the heels of his shocking announcement on June 1 that he and his wife of 40 years Tipper were separating. There were reports that the couple grew apart, but everyone thinks there's something else going on. This allegation by this woman may just be the tip of the iceberg.

Update: Al finally responds. Sort of. The Washington Post reports:
"According to a source friendly with the Gores, Al Gore confirmed that he received a therapeutic massage in his hotel room that night, and likely from the therapist making the accusation. But, the source said, Gore remembers getting a massage without incident and the therapist leaving on good terms."

Update 2: The alleged victim is described by neighbors and friends as being a woman of honor. The Oregonian reports:
"She's a very spiritual person," said Pepe Moscoso, an artist and photographer who lives in the same apartment complex in Southeast Portland. "We'd talk about the Zodiac and other astrological things." He described her as "a very honest person." She always talks to him and his wife when they're walking outside with their daughters. She told him and other neighbors that she was studying acupuncture.


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