Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Student 'Cousin It' Showed Pornography To Speaks

On a Wednesday afternoon last December, 18-year-old Camille McCoy, a freshman at the University of South Carolina, was doing homework in the college library when "Cousin It" came up to her and got the talking about football. That conversation and his love of white women led into an arrest and a felony obscenity charge.

The Aiken Standard spoke with Camille and her mom and reports:
She had just sat down at one of the computer stations when an older black man, dressed as though he might be a repairman or custodian, sat down at the computer station next to her. She had noticed him when she had first entered the room but had quickly forgotten about him as she concentrated on her work.

But then he started to become invasive - leaning toward her, talking close, trying to start conversations with her. At first, Camille said she tried to ignore him. Greene seemed more annoying than dangerous.

"To me, he seemed slow," she said. "He obviously wasn't a student."

Then he asked her if she liked football. When she offhandedly replied that she did, he told her to check out what was on his computer.

What was on his screen was not football.
"It was porn - black on white pornography," she said. "He scrolled through several pictures. I immediately told him that was offensive, and he needed to leave. He laughed at me and said, 'Let's go to your room.'"

That was when she picked up her belongings and left the computer room as fast as she could. Camille returned to her room and called her mother.

"It really creeped me out," Camille said. "The whole semester I was shocked, scared, afraid to go anywhere by myself. I used to work at Citadel Mall - I'm used to men coming up to talk to me, maybe asking for my phone number - but nothing like this."

Meanwhile, Susan McCoy had a number of questions, starting with who was this man and how did he get into the computer room?

The dormitory, a freshman facility, Bates Hall, does have a card swipe lock system for the front door and a security desk inside.

"I can't even get in," Susan McCoy [Camille's mom] said. "I have to beat on the door to get someone's attention."

Yet Greene not only apparently had a card that worked - possibly his own student ID from several years before - but he was able to get past the security desk and go into an area that was supposed to be safe from the general public.

"He was in a part of the dorm where he had access to everything," Susan McCoy said. "He could have gone up into anyone's room. I believe he was there with evil intent - he chose a freshman dorm, on the outskirts of campus, in a high-traffic area. Personally, I think he's about a website away from committing rape."

She also noted that he had specifically pulled up pornography depicting black men with white women and sought out a young white girl.

"At the bond hearing, he said he was just joking with her," Susan McCoy said. "I don't think so. I believe he was trolling."



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