Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Arab Man Charged With Rape After Pretending to Be Jewish

A Palestinian man has been sentenced to 18 months in prison after being convicted of rape by deception after having consensual sex with an Israeli woman who believed he was Jewish because he introduced himself using the traditionally Jewish name "Daniel". In fact, his real name is Sabbar Kashur, 30, and he's from East Jerusalem. According to the London Telegraph, Sabbar, 30, met the unidentified woman on a street in Jerusalem in 2008.
After striking up a conversation, the two went into a top-floor room of a nearby office-block and engaged in a sexual encounter, after which Mr Kashur left before the woman had a chance to get dressed. It was only later that she discovered Mr Kashur's true racial background, lawyers said. Although conceding that the sex was consensual, district court judge Tzvi Segal concluded that the law had a duty to protect women from "smooth-tongued criminals who can deceive innocent victims at an unbearable price." "If she hadn't thought the accused was a Jewish bachelor interested in a serious romantic relationship, she would not have co-operated," Mrs Segal said as she delivered her verdict. Kashur was originally accused of violent rape and indecent assault, but later accepted the lesser charge under a plea-bargain after prosecutors received evidence suggesting the encounter was consensual. Kashur’s lawyer, Adnan Aladdin, said he had filed an appeal to ensure that the verdict was not considered precedent-setting, adding that otherwise “many men would find themselves in jail.” Israeli legal experts said they found the verdict disquieting.
According to the report, Arabs living in Israel usually disguise themselves because of fear of prejudice because of their background. But back to that fast ass woman: She only agreed to have sex with Sabbar because she thought a stranger she met on a street a few minutes prior was interested in a "serious romantic relationship." Really?

Update: Sabbar, who's married, told the Haaretz newspaper, the verdict is racist. He said he was leaving a grocery store when the woman, who was in her later 20s, started a conversation about his motorcycle. He said he didn't pretend to be Jewish and his friends and family call him by the nickname Dudu.

"For two years I've been under house arrest for nothing," he said. "If I were Jewish they wouldn't have even questioned me. That's not called rape. I didn't rape her in the forest and throw her away naked. She agreed to everything that happened."

His lawyer plans to appeal.

You may recall, another case of rape by deception happened in Connecticut last year.

source 1 | source 2


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