Tuesday, July 20, 2010

LISTEN: Sixth Tape of Mel Gibson Rants Released: 'I Want My Child and No One Will Believe You! So Fuck You!'

Yet another audio recording from Mel Gibson screaming at his baby mama Oksana Grigorieva has been released. (If you're keeping count, this makes six. Catch up here.) In the recording (which you can listen to below) Okasana is telling Mel he's crazy and needs medication. In response, Mel goes bat-shit crazy! He tells her, "You need a fucking kick up the ass for being a bitch, cunt, gold digging whore! With a pussy son! And I want my child, and no one will believe you! So fuck you!” That may be the exact reason why Oksana wrote a script and hired a professional audio crew to come in and record these conversations, because - sadly - most people wouldn't have believed her. For what it's worth, Mel was willing to forgive Oksana for being a user and gold-digger but she had to "crawl back, suck my cock and say you’re sorry, in that order" because that's the only thing she's good at. WHAT!!!????!!!

Coincidentally, the estranged couple (or just their attorneys) are in court today for a custody hearing. So this tape should come in handy, especially the part where Mel admits -- again -- to hitting Oksana and the baby and referring to her 12-year-old son Alexander as a "pussy."



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