Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Money Falls Off Truck in Indianapolis, Passersby Grab Armloads of Cash and Run

Pandemonium this morning in Indianapolis. Pande-fucking-monium! And there was good reason for it. An armored car dropped about three bundles onto the street (estimated at $3 million!) and passersby didn't bother to tell the driver, instead they jumped out of their cars and ran into traffic to grab their take. “People were stopping their cars, picking up loads of cash and driving away,” an eyewitness told the Indystar. "People ran into the street and grabbed armloads, paying no attention to traffic. I saw two women walk by here real fast holding as much loose cash as they could in their arms against their chest. They looked like they were all $20s.” After about 10 people grabbed the cash, which was double-stacked and wrapped in plastic, Tim Wentworth put the bundles into his truck and called police. Police believe about $20,000 was "stolen."

[Eds.: We're monitoring the Web to see if anyone posts video of the grabation.]

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