Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Brazilian Shotgun Wedding

Last Friday in Brazil, Rogerio Damascena, 29, married Renata Alexandre Costa Coelho, 25. At the reception on Saturday he shot her, his best friend Marcelo Guimaraes, 40, before committing suicide.
Homicide detective Joao Brito said: "It was about 2pm and the party was in full swing when he left the room saying he had a surprise, then came back shooting the woman and at other people. "He drew his gun and shot the bride in the chest region. She was cornered and had no chance to defend herself. He took another shot, hitting her in the head. He then fired several times at the best man, who was also his boss and friend. Even when he could see that Marcelo was wounded, he shot him in the back of the neck. Then he shot himself in the head." The detective said he believed the bloodbath was planned in advance because the groom had hidden the weapon in his father's pickup truck. The bride's brother Roberto Guerra told a local newspaper: "The party was going brilliantly until 2am. He left for five minutes, and when he came back he embraced my sister, gave her a kiss on the back of the neck and then started shooting."
No one understands why he committed the crime, although some believe Rogerio's actions stemmed from jealously. Renata and Marcelo died at the scene; Rogerio passed at the hospital.



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