Tuesday, December 21, 2010

WATCH: Christmas Dancing, Caroling, Eating

Yesterday, more than 5,000 took part in a flash mob at a mall in Roseville, Calif. (Sidebar: The mall had to be evacuated after reports of the foundation moving -- not because of the singing -- which was beautiful -- but because the foundation was moving and some people heard creaks.)

The new TLC show, My Strange Addiction, is something else. This bitch is addicted to eating toilet paper....

..while this one is addicted to sleeping with a blow dryer:

The masturbating cat is in the MFing building!

Bitch, why are you waving balloons in my face? Ugh.

Remember the reason for the season:

Luckily this Israeli soccer player is extremely good looking, because his English is shit.

Chelsea Handler got the memo about Puffy, chile. How You Doin', girlfriend. Alllrriiiiggghhht!!!

To protest the madness going on in the Ukrainian parliament, a reporter donned a bunny costume to interview a politician:


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