Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Man Faces Jail Time For Kissing Wife's Ass

An Australian man pleaded guilty this afternoon to indecent assault charges after his estranged wife became upset when he kissed her ass.
The court heard the unemployed 48-year-old - who cannot be identified - had been drinking when he went to his wife's Hobart home in June 2009 to talk with her. She was lying on a bed and he twice asked her to turn over on to her stomach. When she refused he forcibly rolled her over, straddled her, pulled down her pants and kissed her on the bottom as she screamed "No, no!" When the couple's children ran into the room, the victim explained she had been tickled, but the man made a vulgar comment, the court heard. Defence lawyer Anne-Marie Kerr said her client had intended the kiss as an act of foreplay to lift the spirits of his depressed wife but admitted he had gone to far. "He is extremely embarrassed," she said.
The man and woman were married for 21 years before separating.


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