Thursday, December 23, 2010

WATCH: Man Attempts Suicide in Romanian Parliament, Child Molester, Naked Sports Fan

Adrian Sobaru is nothing if not an attention whore. Well, he could be mentally ill, too. The 40-year-old, who's an electrician at the national TV network, jumped from the balcony (about 23 feet) of the Parliament today as the prime minister was speaking. He survived. On his way to the hospital, he shouted "Liberty and Justice." He also wore a shirt with the slogan: "You've killed our future." (He was apparently angry over the government's decision to discontinue the monthly payments for his disabled child.)

What. The. Hell?!!!!!!!!!!! No, seriously. What the fuck is this and has anyone called DFCS yet?!?

This little boy is gonna be on the sex offender registry in no time.

In an effort to become the latest meme, this fat ass gets butt nekkid after the Philadelphia Eagles won.

Even a 3-year-old knows that books are not toys.

Speaking of kids:

Happy holidays from Space:


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