Monday, December 20, 2010

WATCH: Deer Rescue, Be Careful Pulling Out, Green With Envy

Last Friday, rescuers risked their lives to save two deer stranded on the frozen Mississippi River. [giving the rescuers a round of applause]

This old man decides to fight a ticket the hard way and ruin the cop's day.

OMFG! We're booking a flight today to go to Austria because we've gotta see the GrĂ¼ner See (Green Lake) in person. Per Wikipedia: The lake "dries out almost completely in the fall. In the spring the lake is filled with snow melt runoff. This gives the lake crystal clear water, the existing rocks and meadow give the lake its green color." Have you ever seen anything more beautiful?

Sadly, we've got to end with something ugly -- a FIGHT! Outside of a bar in New York City, a bouncer disciplines a drunk.


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