Monday, December 13, 2010

Wendy's Worker Attacks Customer Because She Felt Disrespected

If diabetes and the recent rash of violence at fast food restaurants aren't enough to keep you away, then you should seriously invest in a healthcare plan and have lawyer on speed dial because you will need both. Case in point: On Saturday, Rictoria Bethea, a 21-year-old employee at a Wendy's in Fort Myers, Fla., attacked a woman, whom she felt was disrespecting her. So she took off her headset and went outside of the restaurant to the drive-through, told Chloe Glover to roll down the window and when she did, Rictoria punched Chloe and pulled out her extensions. Rictoria was arrested and charged with battery. She claims she's innocent.

Oh, before we forget: How You Doin, Rictoria and allllrrriiiiigggghhhhhtttt!

In related news: A 26-year-old man is facing disorderly conduct charges for tossing a dead squirrel into the drive-through window of a Hardee's restaurant last Friday. Christopher Thompson told police a friend left the squirrel on his dashboard, but instead of getting rid of it, he kept it until he pulled into the drive-through. When he placed his order, he asked the worker for "extra nuts" for the squirrel, and began petting it as if it were still alive. The worker says when she said she didn't think the squirrel was real, Christopher tossed it through the window at her and then drove off.

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