Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Blinded Lady Chases Car Thief in Nothing But Her Calvins

Andrea Bringman is one fiesty gal. When her 2005 Dodge Ram was stolen from her driveway the night after Christmas, she chased down a car thief in only her t-shirt on a cold night in Wyandotte, Mich. Don't try this at home.

In other car theft news: A Brooklyn, NY man listed his car for sale on Craigslist and met with a would-be buyer last week. The man asked the seller to test drive the car, but jumped in the driver's seat and stole the car. The unidentified victim was not having that!

The New York Post reports:
The embarrassed owner reported the theft to the NYPD -- and also decided to do a little detective work of his own. Scanning Craigslist later the same night, he spotted for sale a 2005 Nissan Maxima that bore a suspicious resemblance to his former ride -- but with slightly higher mileage. The young Kojak called the number listed, and a light bulb went on when he heard the voice on the other end. "I kinda knew it was him," he said. He enlisted the aid of Shomrim, which advised him to set up a sting by performing his own prospective-buyer act, which he did Sunday night at a gas station on 18th Avenue in Borough Park. When Lazoryshyn appeared at the address with the car, the owner identified him, the Shomrim crew called 911, and the NYPD grabbed him after a brief foot chase. Lazoryshyn, 24, (pictured, below) was arraigned last night in Brooklyn Criminal Court, where felony charges were downgraded to petit larceny and criminal possession of stolen property, both misdemeanors. He was released after posting $500 bail.

source 1 | source 2
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