Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Model-Slash-Singer-Slash-Dancer-Slash-Actress Takes a Stab at Child Abduction with Predictable Results

Michelle Marie Gopaul, 24, of New York City was arrested and charged with abduction of a person under 14 in Canada after she devised a hair-brained scheme to steal a baby.
Before her arrest, the aspiring pop singer and screen star had boasted online that she was pregnant and invited pals to a baby shower, friends said yesterday. On the Babies "R" Us Web site, a Michelle Gopaul of Hollis registered for gifts for a child said to be due Oct. 30. "It's a girl!! I can't wait until my little pincess [sic] Valentina arrives!!" boasts a message on the site. Toronto police said Gopaul placed ads for an infant to "star" in a Bollywood movie. She offered $7,500 for a baby girl "of Indian background." Parents Viral and Sejal Patel decided to bring Roma. Several couples turned up for the "auditions." The Patels arrived around 10 p.m., and Gopaul cooed over the child, then asked if she could take her to a private room to see how she reacted to strangers, the parents told investigators. Gopaul then sneaked out a back door and whisked the child away in a cab. She ordered the cabby, Jaswinder Singh, to step on the gas and run red lights. "I refused and told her that she was out of her mind," Singh told the Toronto Star. Singh said he dropped Gopaul at a restaurant, where three girls and a man were waiting for her in a car. Police said they found little Roma around 3 a.m., after a man who saw Gopaul with the child called to report her.
What a donkey! Hee-haw!

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