Friday, February 11, 2011

Lady Gets Arrested For 'Stealing' Food Grocery Store Threw Away

A British woman was arrested recently when she took $350 worth of spoiled food that was discarded and left on the street in garbage bags by a grocery store after a power outage. Sasha Hall, 21, said she noticed passersby rummaging through the store's trash and decided to help herself to potato waffles, pies and ham, but cops soon swooped down on her home, which is across the street from the grocery store.
"They knocked at the door and said if I didn't open up they would use a battering ram," she told the Chronicle. "They handcuffed me and treated me like I was a hardened criminal and when we left they raided my house. I haven't got lots of money. I only make £600 ($961) a month. I'm on the brink of getting kicked out of my flat because I can't pay my arrears. There was £3,000 ($4806) worth of food going to waste on the street. It had been thrown out, so I thought I could put it to better use. But when the police came round I was so upset. I felt like a terrible criminal. I would think the police have better things to be doing with their time than going after people who pick up potato waffles from the street. It's all been blown totally out of proportion." She added: "Tesco clearly did not want the food. They dumped it and rather than see it go to waste, I thought I could help feed me and my family for a week or two."
For it's part, the store says "we are assisting the police with their inquiries. We seek to minimise waste in all our stores and where possible will seek to reuse and recycle it." Sasha has a date with a judge next week; if found guilty of the charge of "theft by finding", she faces a fine.

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