Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Man Claims Haunted Mattress Keeps Him Up at Night

Kevin Cartwright, a resident of Worcester, England hasn't had a good night's sleep in more than 135 days, because his mattress (pictured) is haunted. True story.
The 56-year-old, who lives on Infirmary Walk, Worcester, says he has had more than 135 nights where he has felt spirits pushing his mattress while he is lying on it, and is hoping someone can come forward and help. He said: “I am very happy where I live and it is a lovely old property. But since I returned from a holiday to see my children in Canada in September last year, it has felt like someone or something is in my mattress. It’s hard to explain and people think I’m crazy when I tell them, but it feels as if they are pushing it. It is driving me mad that I just can’t get a full night’s sleep.” Mr Cartwright has had eight friends test his bed and four of them have had a similar experience, with some of them feeling very scared. He said: “It can’t just be me if others have felt it. While four said they didn’t feel anything, four did. I just don’t think I can stand this much longer. It is driving me mad.” A family member recommended a visit from three ‘sensitives’ – people who claim to be in tune with the spirit world – who said they could help him. They told Mr Cartwright they could sense the spirits were children, and not to be afraid of them as they were playing. Since their visit he believes most of the spirits have now left, except for one. Mr Cartwright lives next to an old school building, and the women said they believed recent building work nearby may have disturbed the spirits. Mr Cartwright said: “Before, it did feel like there were several spirits in my mattress, but now there is just one. "I have had more than 135 nights of this and it’s just lunacy. I need help. I survive on a disability allowance and have bought a new mattress, and also an electric blanket as someone suggested that it may help, but it’s still not working.”
He's since turned to the press seeking "someone from the science or spiritual world" to help exorcise the demons in his home.

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