Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Bishop Eddie Long's Church is Going Broke + Boys He Coerced into Sex Cursed Him Out During Mediation

We're pleased to report that worshippers at New Birth Missionary Baptist Church in Atlanta have seen the light and are bailing on their dear leader, Bishop Eddie Long, who was slapped with several lawsuits over the last months, including four from men who claimed the bishop raped, drugged and spoiled them (using church money, no doubt) when they were teenagers. Now, according to Atlanta's Fox5, the church is laying off employees and cutting staff salaries. It has instituted a "10-percent pay cut" and a four-day work week because of the severe drop in attendance. (The church says it's because of the economy.) In 2010 alone, the church took in more than $19 million in tithes, offering, and blessings with approximately $1,136,993 -- a 100% tax-free "love offering" -- went directly into the bishop's pockets! Now let's be very clear: we aren't pleased that people are losing their jobs, just that parishioners aren't whooping and hollering and defending a sexual predator like have been doing, to everyone's chagrin.

Also: Bishop Long has opted for mediation instead of trial to settle the lawsuits brought by the four men he raped. The top-secret meeting (attended by the bishop flanked by church and insurance lawyers) began Feb. 9 (a week ahead of schedule) where the bishop got into a heated confrontation with his accusers. According to F0x5, the accusers "cursed the Bishop" as they described in "graphic detail" what they allege he did to them, and the "Bishop never responded."



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