Wednesday, March 16, 2011

WATCH: Kegs & Eggs With a Heaping Helping of Madness

Last weekend, students from the University at Albany and the College of St. Rose in Albany, NY caused death and destruction. OK, not so much death, but a trailer load of destruction in their annual St Patrick's Day celebration called Kegs & Eggs shortly before 7am last Saturday. A riot literally broke out when almost 700 students poured into the streets. A melee ensued and drunk rioters trashed cars, punched out windows, threw appliances off balconies and cursed at officers who arrived to break up the mayhem. (Five people face felony charges ranging from riot and reckless endangerment to assaulting a police officer and criminal possession of a weapon. Another 37 have been issued appearance tickets for such violations as disorderly conduct and carrying alcohol in public.) Idiots!

After preparing her taxes online, Denise Bosetti, of Huron, Ohio received a letter stating she would be getting a refund. Not just any refund. A $200 million refund! (Sidebar: The Ohio Dept. of Taxation said Denise was one of 7,000 who received a letter promising a hefty payday, but it was in error. They said [Turbotax's software] caused the direct deposit amounts to be left justified instead of right justified, relative to the decimal point."

"Bless You", the Christian answer to Cee-Lo's hit "Fuck You", is comedy gold.

"Does anyone have a fire extinguisher? Oh well, guess I'll just have fetch water with my hands and throw it on my burning car."

A NYC police officer asks tourist a tourist why he's filming in Times Square -- not because he looks like a terrorist or anything.

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