Monday, May 23, 2011

Beyoncè Puts on Workshop at Billboard Music Awards + Oprah Show Performance of 'Run the World (Girls)'

She killed the Billboard Music Awards dead! Mrs Carter's performance -- replete with spoken work and interactive motion graphics -- of "Independent Women (Part 19)" "Run the World (Girls)" on last night's awards show was all sorts of spectacular; the singer schooled pop stars everywhere on the art of putting on a show. The Bey-volution is happening. [PS: She was also lauded with the Millennum Award. The epic performance begins around around the 2:55 mark.]

Last week, she taped this performance of "Independent Women (Part 19)" "Run the World (Girls)" for part one of grand finale of the Oprah show, which aired today.

Sidebar: It's Beyoncè Appreciation Day and the stars came out to throw shade. Do yourself a favor and watch this!!!! (Note: NSFW language)


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