Monday, May 23, 2011

WATCH: Harold Camping's First Post-Non-Rapture Interview [UPDATE: Rapture Rescheduled For Oct. 21, 2011]

He was not raptured, either. Shock! Old man Harold Camping, the false prophet who predicted the world would come to an end last Saturday, is none to happy when a reporter from the International Business Times swooped down on his home in Alameda, California and sticks a microphone and a camera in his face. While he declined an interview, he does say: "This is a big deal and I've got to live with it. I've got to think it out." he said. Now, we kinda feel sorry for old fart.

...Meanwhile, in Times Square, Robert Fitzpatrick (who spent all of his life's savings on advertising to spread the message about this Rapture) takes questions from an angry mob of non-believers. Dumbfounded, he tells hecklers he doesn't understand why "nothing's happening." Bwahahahahaha!

UPDATE Harold Camping needs to see a doctor for his dementia and to treat his mental disorder. On his radio show tonight, the false prophet says he did not make a mistake and end of the world is now going to happen on October 21, 2011 not May 21 as he previously predicted. He also took questions from reporters who LET HIM HAVE IT!

Harold, you're full of sh*t!


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