Friday, May 13, 2011

Lady Injects 8-Year-Old Daughter's Face With Botox to Prevent Wrinkles

If you've seen an episode of Toddler's & Tiarras then you know the kiddie pageant world is ruthless, but what "Kerry Campbell" (real name: Sheena Upton) is doing to her daughter is just criminal. Kerry, 34, who lives in San Francisco injects her daughter Britney -- who's 8 years old -- with Botox to smooth out wrinkles. Quick! Someone call DFCS! Child Protective Services, along with police, have launched an investigations into this mother.

Sidebar: In an interview with the Sun newspaper last month, Kerry says she buys the Botox online and injects the poison into Britney's forehead, lips and around her eyes. She says: "What I am doing for Britney now will help her become a star. I know one day she will be a model, actress or singer, and having these treatments now will ensure she stays looking younger and baby-faced for longer. I'm sure people reading this will think I am being irresponsible, but I ensure that I test the Botox and fillers I buy online on myself first. All I want is for Britney to have the best start in life, so it is easier for her to become a superstar. More mothers should do it for their daughters....All this pain and effort now will benefit Britney no end. When she's a superstar earning millions, she'll always be grateful for what I did when she was so young." Bitch, STFU! It seems like little Britney has been co-opted. She tells the newspaper: "My friends think it's cool I have all the treatments and they want to be like me. I check every night for wrinkles, when I see some I want more injections. They used to hurt, but now I don't cry that much. I also want a boob and nose job soon, so that I can be a star." So sad.

Update, May 16: Britney was removed from the home last weekend by Child Protective Services while they investigate her mom.
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