The modern convenience of a dishwasher could kill you. That's according to a study by scientists who gotta do something to justify their grant money. In a report appearing the journal
Fungal Biology, British scientists studied 189 dishwashers in 101 different homes (yes, some people have more than one dishwashers in their home) around the world and found 62% of the appliances contained fungi on the rubber band in the door. More than half of these included the black yeasts Exophiala dermatitidis and E. phaeomuriformis which are known to be dangerous to human health. According to the researchers, black yeasts attack the lungs and can/possibly/occasionally/sometimes/maybe be fatal. Nina Gunde-Cimerman, one of the authors of the study, tells The Daily Telegraph: "One thing that is not in the report is that we tested the dishes after they had been cleaned in these dishwashers and they were full of this black yeast, so too the cutlery that you put in your mouth. We just don't know how serious this could be." Guess, we'll have to to wait another day to find out how "serious" a problem this "could be". We swear, one of these days a scientist is gonna release a report called "Cancer Causes Cancer".
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